Multidisciplinary Designer | Design Researcher
Ongoing Projects: Spirulina Society & Ctrl+R Collective
On Hiatus: Regen Districts

I'm a multidisciplinary designer who examines alternative methods of production and consumption. Fascinated by the idea of self-sufficiency and regenerative futures, my practice is grounded on circular design and biodesign principles with the endeavour to make sustainability appealing and accessible.

I have expertise in digital fabrication, where I explore the production technique with biodegradable materials from renewable resources like plants or food/agricultural waste to produce ecologically friendly and energy-efficient lifestyle products.
My interests lie in the field of algaculture, mycelium-based composites, biomaterials, accessible design, distributed systems, public participation, future food, and renewable energy.
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Business Enquiries​​​​​​​
Awards | Exhibitions | Experience

+ Bangkok Design Week 2023 (Exhibition) - Eggsperiment
I was one of the participants in the WASTE IS MORE Exhibition - "Waste is a valuable resource" at Bangkok Design Week 2023. An exhibition displayed possibilities by MORE, a collaboration between the research team from PTT Innovation Institute and HG Next Co., Ltd., a designer, manufacturer, and furniture distributor committed to research, development, and design to be a complete solution for transforming waste into renewable resources.

+ Bangkok Design Week 2022 (Online Exhibition) - Regen Districts
Since open data of biomaterials is still a relatively new concept in Thailand, it is a great opportunity to increase engagement of the international community by co-developing a project with Materiom through partnerships with local cafes/restaurants to create materials/objects with organic waste/resources produced within the selected district(s) in Bangkok. As biomaterials advocates, we believe that knowledge sharing/exchange is imperative. One of our main goals is to empower the community not only to work with sustainable materials but also connect locally and globally.

+ Connections Through Culture 2021 (Grant Programme) | British Council  - Regen Districts
Building a network of local creatives and businesses to create a creative and regenerative circular economy in Thailand, enabling the sourcing of biomass from organic waste to develop local biodegradable artefacts/crafts/designs. The activities consist of research, material making workshops, showcases.

+ Tallinn Design Festival 2021 (Exhibition) | SOS Design - Spirulina Society
One of the aims of the festival is to draw attention to the role of design in resolving changes and crisis situations in society. SOS design explores designs in response to global problems that require urgent intervention: the economic crisis, global warming, the energy crisis, poverty, and so on. 

+ Bangkok Design Week 2021 (Exhibition) - Spirulina Society
The exhibition featured selected work by DesignPLANT, a platform for designers to get together. 

+ London Design Biennale 2021 (Online Exhibition) - Spirulina Society
'The Design In An Age Of Crisis' features submissions to a global OPEN CALL issued in 2020 by Chatham House and London Design Biennale, inviting radical design thinking from the world’s design community, the public and young people. 

+ Green Concept Award 2021 (Finalist) - Spirulina Society & BioGoods
The Green Concept Award is awarded annually to products & concepts that stand out in terms of design, innovation & sustainability.

+ London Design Festival 2020 (Exhibition) | (Un)finished. - Spirulina Society
The exhibition featured selected work by RCA Design Products graduates (2020) as part of Brompton Design District.

+ Distributed Design Awards 2020 (Finalist) - Spirulina Society
In partnership with The Index Project, these awards recognised the most innovative, supportive and sustainably designed projects across Europe.

+ Global Design Graduate Show 2020 (Online Exhibition) - Spirulina Society
As a response to the recent covid-19 related end of year show cancellations ARTSTHREAD and i-D launched the first ever online Global Design Graduate Show initiative for all of the students graduating in 2020.

+ London Design Festival 2019 (Exhibition) - Machines Room Residency (August - September 2019)
The research looked at how biomaterial works in a makerspace context in which it proposes small-scale fabrication techniques where the processes omit toxic, unsustainable materials and adhesives. Creating products with new materials and techniques challenges conventional production models and their technological infrastructure.

+ The Distributed Design Sprint - Other Today (July 2019)
A five-day workshop, investigating on how to push the boundaries of a product that can be manufactured anywhere in the world, using accessible digital manufacturing techniques.

+ Milan Design Week 2019 (Exhibition) - BioScreen
A 100% biodegradable product that is both good for people and planet for the future of sustainable living.

+ The Grand Challenge Project - RCA x CERN (Winner) (December 2018 - January 2019)
Working in 74 interdisciplinary teams, 374 students from across the School of Design, were given four weeks to devise workable solutions to global problems. The four winning teams presented their work at CERN in February 2019.

+ Bangkok Design Week 2018 (Exhibition) - Public Fabrics x Folkcharm
A purpose-driven platform republishing local crafts(wo)manship with design & storytelling to empower the makers and connect their potential with the contemporary audience.

+ SACICT Innovative Craft Award 2018 (Finalist) - Public Fabrics
Teaming up with a textile designer (RCA alumna), we were finalists for Innovative Craft Award 2018 (the Support Arts and Crafts International Centre of Thailand) for a furniture collection.

+ Youth Co:Lab Workshop - UNDP (November 2017)
A five-day workshop, accel­erating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through leadership, social innovation and entre­preneurship; finding and developing new solutions for social and environmental problems in the communities.


Royal College of Art - London, UK
MA in Design Products
2018 - 2020
The Florence Institute of Design International - Florence, Italy
Furniture Design (Short Course)
June 2013 - July 2013
Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University - Bangkok, Thailand
BS in Landscape Architecture
2008 - 2013
Chulalongkorn University Demonstration School - Bangkok, Thailand
1996 - 2008


loqa - Bangkok, Thailand
Product Designer / Graphic Designer
January 2022 - May 2022

Asia Ava Gas Company Limited - Singapore
Graphic Designer / Administrator (Part-Time)
January 2015 - September 2017

X0809 - Bangkok, Thailand
Composer, Songwriter, Musician, Singer, Art Director and Record Producer
November 2015 - May 2017


Very Kind Invention - Bangkok, Thailand
Creative Assistant
October 2013 - January 2014

Playhound by Greyhound - Bangkok, Thailand
Assistant Graphic Designer
August 2013 - October 2013

Stu/D/O Architects - Bangkok, Thailand
Architect & Landscape Architect
May 2012 - June 2012

Sanitas Studio - Bangkok, Thailand
Landscape Architect
November 2011 - December 2011

TROP : Terrains + Open Space - Bangkok, Thailand
Landscape Architect
March 2011 - May 2011
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